Training on ASP.NET Core and Anuglar, Live Project and workshop on ERP Software, Assured placement in own Company Payroll

We are offering Training on ASP.NET Core, Anuglar SQL Server, Live Project and workshop on ERP Software, by technical team leader of the company and offering 100% assured placement in company's own payroll after end of the training period.

Do you know that Asp.NET Core (C#), Angular, and MsSQL Server is one of the most lucrative opportunities in the Job Market today?

We offer ASP.NET Core, Anuglar SQL Server Internship with owing Placement in our own Organization. We provide web space to all students for Live commercial project with our existing clients. We also offer Advanced level Asp Dotnet Core, Angular and MsSQL Server, handling and many more. We have designed the Internship in such a way so one can get into a full-fledged Employment after finishing our Asp Dotnet Core, Angular, and MsSQL Server. Our training process is unique and perhaps this is why we are one of the best place to work with for fresher in ASP.NET Domain in Kolkata.

Beware: there are some ASP.NET training centres in Kolkata where they only offer placement assistance instead of direct placement in their own Company. But here at ILICO SERVICES LIMITED you will get a Assured Employment right after the completion of your 6 Months Internship with Live Projects. No Question asked or No Interview Process

Training Fees

Training with direct placement at our own company (ILICO SERVICES LIMITED)

Duration: 6 Months

Amount: Rs. 1,00,000/- + GST

Only Training on Asp.Net Core, Angular, Ms SQL without Placement

Duration: 3 Months

Amount: Rs. 25,000/- + GST

Traning Details

List of the modules available in ERP.BZ

Training on ASP.NET MVC Core 3.0, Angular 8, MsSQL Server + Direct placement in company payroll

DOT NET CORE 3.0 & Ms SQL Server

50 Hours

Angular 8

20 Hours

Live Commercial Project - Stack Overflow Clone

20 Hours

Live commercial project on E-Commerce

20 Hours

Live Commercial Project on Employee & Payroll process

20 Hours

Work Shop on vERP

50 Hours



Upto Rs.25,000 P.M


Min 1 Year and above


ASP.NET(C#) Developer




Training Description


Training Fees

Only Training without Placement

50 Hrs

Rs. 25,000/- + GST

Training with direct placement at our own company (ILICO SERVICES LIMITED) payroll: it Include all the training on DOT NET CORE 3.0, Angular 8 & Ms SQL Server + 3 Commercial live project+ 1 Months workshop one our vERP product

4 Months

Rs. 1,00,000/- + GST

Course Content

-Introduction & Basics of Asp.Net Mvc

  • Course Introduction
  • What is ASP.NET MVC? and MVC Architecture
  • Controllers
  • Action Methods

-Additional Basics of Asp.Net Mvc

  • Where to Start Practical
  • Where to Download Course Material
  • Asp.Net Mvc (vs) Asp.Net Web Forms
  • Versions of Asp.Net Mvc
  • Folder Structure of MVC App
  • NuGet Packages of ASP.NET MVC

-Getting Started [Practical Starts Here]

  • Creating First MVC App - Part 1
  • Creating First MVC App - Part 2

-Action Result

  • Action Result
  • Content Result
  • File Result
  • Redirect Result
  • Redirect To Route Result
  • Action Result

–Razor View Engine

  • View Engines
  • Razor Expressions
  • Razor Code Blocks
  • Razor If
  • Razor For
  • Razor For each


  • HTTP, HTTP Status Codes, HTTP Methods, HTTP Headers
  • Request Object
  • Response
  • Request and Response

–Shared Views

  • Shared Views
  • Passing Data Dynamically to Shared View

–Layout Views & Partial Views

  • Layout Views with Bootstrap
  • Sharing Data from View to Layout View
  • Creating SideBar in Layout View
  • Sections in Layout Views
  • Multiple Layout Views

–Convention URL Routing

  • URL Routing
  • Understanding Default Routing
  • ID Parameter
  • ID as String Parameter
  • Resolving Conflicts Between Routes
  • Route Constraints
  • URL Routing

–Attribute Routing

  • Introduction to Attribute Routing
  • Attribute Routing Example

–Models & Strongly Typed Views

  • Introduction to Models
  • Creating List of Products
  • Creating Product Details
  • Strongly Typed Views

–Model Binding

  • Model Binding
  • Working with Forms
  • Bind Attribute
  • Custom Model Binder

–Entity Framework Db-First Approach

  • Introduction to Entity Framework
  • Retrieving All Rows From Database
  • Retrieving Multiple Rows Conditionally
  • Calling Stored Procedures using EF
  • Searching Data
  • Retrieving Single Row
  • Inserting, Updating, Deleting Row
  • Navigation Properties
  • Creating Static Drop Down List
  • Creating Dynamic Drop Down List
  • Sorting
  • Paging
  • Storing Images in Database
  • Overriding the Default Conventions

–EF Code-First Approach

  • Database-First (vs) Code-First (vs) Model-First Approach
  • Code-First Approach
  • Re-Creating the Database
  • Automatic Code-First Migrations
  • Performing Code-First Migrations Manually

–HTML Helpers

  • Html Helpers
  • Customizing Label with HTML Helpers
  • Custom HTML Helpers


  • Validations
  • Client Side Validations using jQuery
  • Customizing Error Messages
  • Displaying Validation Summary
  • All Types of Validations
  • Custom Validation

–Asp.Net Identity

  • Intro to Asp.Net Identity
  • Creating ApplicationUser, Store and Manager
  • Configuring Roles
  • Understanding ViewModel
  • Register Page
  • Login / Logout Page
  • MyProfile Page
  • What is Area and Creating "Admin" Area
  • Manager Area
  • Manage Users By Admin


  • Introduction to Filters
  • IAuthenticationFilter
  • IAuthorizationFilter
  • IActionFilter
  • IResultFilter
  • IExceptionFIlter and Logging
  • Global Filters
  • Filter Overrides

–Built-in Filters

  • Introduction to Built-in Filters
  • Output Cache
  • Action Name
  • Non Action
  • Child Action Only and Partial View Result


  • Preventing CSRF

–Exception Handling in MVC

  • Introduction to Exception Handling in MVC
  • HandleError
  • HTTP Errors
  • Application_Error

–Service Pattern & Repository Pattern

  • Service Pattern
  • Architecture with Service Pattern
  • Dependency Injection
  • Repository Pattern

–State Management

  • ViewData, ViewBag
  • TempData - Keep and Peek Methods
  • Mini App Assignment

–Performance Optimization

  • Bundling and Minification


  • Introduction to Web API
  • Getting All Rows From Database using Web API & AJAX
  • Overloading Get Method
  • Inserting, Updating, Deleting using Web API
  • Securing Web API
  • CORS
  • Grid using Web API

-Asp.Net Core Mvc Basics

  • Intro to Asp.Net Core Mvc
  • Core Mvc App with Entity Framework Core
  • Tag Helpers
  • View Components
  • WebApi and AJAX

Course Content ANGULAR

Training Description


Training Fees

Only Training without Placement

50 Hrs

Rs. 25,000/- + GST

Training with direct placement at our own company (ILICO SERVICES LIMITED) payroll: it Include all the training on DOT NET CORE 3.0, Angular 8 & Ms SQL Server + 3 Commercial live project+ 1 Months workshop one our vERP product

4 Months

Rs. 1,00,000/- + GST

Course content for Angular 8

–Introduction & Basics of Angular

  • Where to Download Course Material
  • Angular Architecture
  • Overview of Angular Packages
  • Angular App Folder Structure
  • Angular Basics

–First App in Angular [Practical Starts

  • Adding Bootstrap
  • Adding Bootstrap NavBar
  • Creating & Nesting Components
  • Creating Basic Routing
  • Angular Basic App

–Data Bindings, ngFor, Style Management, Pipes, Built-in Directives

  • Creating Dashboard
  • ngFor& Nested ngFor
  • Overview of Data Bindings & Working with All Types of Binding
  • Style Handling &ngClass
  • ngIf & ngIf-else & ng-template
  • Built-in Pipes & Date Formats
  • ng Switch

–Modules & Services

  • Creating Custom Modules
  • Creating Services & Dependency Injection
  • Wizard Assignment: Modules and Services

–RxJS& REST API calls using AJAX

  • What is RxJS, Observable and Observer
  • Introduction to AJAX
  • Retrieving, Inserting, Deleting, Updation Data From Database [Asp.Net Core MVC | EF Core | Get Request]
  • Searching Data in Database with AJAX
  • RxJS Observable - Map with AJAX

–Authentication & Security

  • User Authentication in Asp.Net Core Mvc
  • User Authentication in Angular
  • Understanding JWT
  • JWT Authentication in Asp.Net Core Mvc
  • JWT Authentication in Angular
  • Http Interceptors
  • Catching 401 UnAuthorized Responses using Interceptors
  • CanActivate Guard
  • Role Based Authentication
  • Prevent XSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery)
  • Prevent XSS (Cross Site Scripting)

–Template Driven Forms

  • Adding CheckBox, Radio Button, Drop DownList with Foreign Key
  • Validations in Template Driven Forms
  • Custom Validations in Template Driven Forms
  • Cross Field Custom Validations in Template Driven Forms
  • Async Custom Validations in Template Driven Forms with REST-API Calls

–Reactive Forms

  • Understanding Reactive Forms & Creating SignUp Form using Reactive Forms
  • Adding Radio Buttons to Reactive Forms
  • Adding Dynamic Radio Buttons to Reactive Forms
  • Adding Dynamic DropDownList to Reactive Forms
  • Adding CheckBox to Reactive Forms
  • Subscribing to value Changes Observable
  • set Value, patch Value, reset
  • Nested Form Groups
  • Form Arrays
  • Form Builder
  • Validations in Reactive Forms
  • Adding Validation Error Messages
  • Custom Validations
  • Cross Field Validations
  • Submitting SignUp Form using REST API Call
  • Async Validations with REST API Call
  • Basics Forms

–Unit Testing & Angular Zones

  • Unit Testing Basics in Angular
  • Unit Testing on Components
  • Angular Zones

–Component Communication

  • Parent To Child Communication - using Input Binding
  • Child To Parent Communication - using Output Binding with Custom Events
  • Parent to Child - using ViewChild
  • Parent to Child - using ViewChildren
  • Component Communication using Services
  • Custom RxJS Observables
  • RxJS Subject
  • RxJSBehaviorSubject
  • Passing Content from Parent to Child
  • Child to Grand Child - using ContentChild
  • Child to Grand Child - using ContentChildren
  • ElementRef

–Debugging and Auto-Deployment

  • Debugging the Angular Code
  • Using Gulp for Continuous Deployment

–Life Cycle Hooks

  • Overview of Life Cycle Hooks
  • ng On Changes
  • ng OnInit
  • ngDo Check
  • ng After ViewInit, ng After View Checked
  • ng On Destroy

–Pipes - Deep Dive

  • Creating Simple Custom Pipe
  • Parameterized Custom Pipe
  • Creating Complex Custom Pipe
  • Pure Pipes (vs) Inpure Pipes
  • Client-Side Paging using Custom Pipe
  • Async Pipe

–Directives - Deep Dive

  • Attribute Directives (vs) Structural Directives
  • Custom Directives
  • Receiving Parameters using Input Properties in Directives
  • Host Listener
  • Host Binding
  • Renderer
  • Creating Custom Structural Directive

–Advanced Routing

  • Route Parameters
  • Child Routes
  • Nested Routes in Admin Module
  • Nested Routes in Employee Module
  • Router Events
  • Server Side Logging using Router Events
  • Can Deactivate Guard


  • Introduction to Animations
  • Fade Animation
  • Slide-Up Animation
  • Zoom-Up Animation
  • Zoom-Left Animation
  • Slide-Left or Right Animation
  • Key Frame Animation

–Feature Modules

  • Introduction to Feature Modules
  • Proper Folder Structure for Enterprise Apps
  • Shared Module
  • Lazy Loading of Modules
  • Preloading Strategy of Lazy Loading Modules

–Dynamic Components

  • Preparing for Dynamic Components
  • Preparing Masters Menu Dynamically
  • Loading Components Dynamically into Tabs
  • Data Binding to Dynamic Components
  • Destroying Dynamic Components

-Type Script Essentials

  • Introduction to Type Script
  • First App in Type Script
  • Data Types
  • Object Literals
  • Classes
  • Constructors
  • Array of Objects
  • Inheritance
  • Access Modifiers
  • Interfaces

Live Commercial Project - Stack Overflow Clone

Training Description


Training Fees

Only Training without Placement

50 Hrs

Rs. 25,000/- + GST

Training with direct placement at our own company (ILICO SERVICES LIMITED) payroll: it Include all the training on DOT NET CORE 3.0, Angular 8 & Ms SQL Server + 3 Commercial live project+ 1 Months workshop one our vERP product

4 Months

Rs. 1,00,000/- + GST

Course content for Live Commercial Project - Stack Overflow Clone

  • Introduction to Project
  • Creating Database
  • Creating Sample Records in Database
  • Creating MVC Project
  • Adding Projects to Solution
  • Adding Images
  • Installing Packages in Domain Models
  • Adding Connection String
  • User Domain Model
  • Category Domain Model
  • Question Domain Model
  • Answer Domain Model
  • Vote Domain Model
  • Adding Db Context
  • Adding References of Domain Models to Other Projects
  • Installing Packages in Repositories
  • Users Repository
  • Categories Repository
  • Questions Repository
  • Answers Repository
  • Votes Repository
  • Adding References of Repositories to Other Projects
  • Installing Packages in View Models
  • Register View Model
  • Login View Model
  • User View Model
  • Edit User Details View Model
  • Edit User Password View Model
  • Category View Model
  • New Question View Model
  • Question View Model
  • Edit Question ViewModel
  • New Answer View Model
  • Answer View Model
  • Edit Answer View Model
  • Vote View Model
  • Adding References of View Models to Other Projects
  • Installing Packages in Service Layer
  • Auto Mapper Extensions
  • SHA256 Hash Generator
  • Users Service
  • Categories Service
  • Questions Service
  • Adding Bootstrap
  • Bundling and Minification
  • Layout View
  • Index View
  • Adding Content to Index View
  • Dependency Injection in Index View
  • Executing Index View with Break Points
  • About View
  • Contact View
  • Register View
  • Executing Register View with Break Points
  • Web API and AJAX in Register View
  • Login View
  • Logout Button
  • Change Profile
  • Change Password
  • Categories
  • Questions
  • Attribute Routing
  • Search Questions
  • View Question
  • Add Answer
  • Up Vote - Down Vote
  • Authentication / Authorization Filter
  • Edit Answer
  • Add Question

Live commercial project on E-Commerce

Training Description


Training Fees

Only Training without Placement

50 Hrs

Rs. 25,000/- + GST

Training with direct placement at our own company (ILICO SERVICES LIMITED) payroll: it Include all the training on DOT NET CORE 3.0, Angular 8 & Ms SQL Server + 3 Commercial live project+ 1 Months workshop one our vERP product

4 Months

Rs. 1,00,000/- + GST

Course content for Live commercial project on E-Commerce

–Project Designing

  • Introduction
  • Create New Project
  • File Overview
  • Middlwares
  • Tag Helpers
  • Routing in Razor Pages

–Project Foundation

  • Introduction
  • Class Libraries
  • Installing Extension
  • Organizing Code
  • Bootswatch
  • Configure Routing
  • Folder Structure
  • Third Party Plugins

–Repository Pattern

  • Introduction
  • Create Category Model
  • Introduction to Repository
  • Repository Overview
  • Repository Pattern Detailed flow
  • Repository detailed architecture
  • Implement Repository Pattern
  • Implement Repository
  • Implement Repository Class Part
  • Implement I Category Repository
  • Implement Category Repository
  • Implement Unit Of Work
  • Push Category to Database


  • Introduction
  • Create Navbar Drop-down
  • Index Category Razor Page
  • Category Index Razor Page
  • Category API Controller
  • Add Category Javascript
  • Category Get Page Handler
  • Category Upsert Razor Page
  • Create New Category
  • Model State and Validations
  • Upsert Changes
  • Delete Category

–Food Type Assignment

  • Introduction
  • Assignment

–Menu Item

  • Introduction
  • Create Menu Item Model
  • Menu Item Controller
  • Add Menu Item to Repository
  • Menu Item Index Page
  • Menu Item Upsert Get Handler
  • Menu Item Create Upsert Post
  • Menu Item Edit Upsert Post
  • Menu Item Upsert UI
  • Delete Menu Item
  • Debug Data tables

–Home Page

  • Introduction
  • Customer Index Page
  • Home Page Model


  • Introduction
  • Configuring Roles for Deployment
  • Db Initialize Class
  • Db Initializer Execution
  • Logging In Azure
  • Deploy to Azure


  • Introduction
  • Scaffold Identity
  • Adding columns to Identity Table
  • Register Page UI Part
  • Register All Users
  • Add Application User to Repository
  • User Controller
  • User Index Page
  • Lock Unlock User
  • Authorization

–Shopping Cart

  • Introduction
  • Add Shopping Cart Model
  • Details Get Handler
  • Details Razor Page UI
  • Add Session to Project
  • Details Post Handler
  • Add Shopping Cart to Repository
  • Add Items To Shopping Cart
  • Session Counter
  • Load Shopping Cart Counter

–Order and Cart

  • Introduction
  • Order Header Model
  • Order Details Model
  • Order Details Cart VM
  • Add Order Header and Details to Repository
  • Shopping Cart Get Handler
  • Shopping Cart UI
  • Custom Post Handlers
  • Shopping Cart Custom Handlers

–Order Summary

  • Introduction
  • Summary Get Handler
  • Summary Page UI
  • Summary Page Validations
  • Order Summary Display
  • Stripe Configuration
  • Stripe inside Razor Page
  • Summary Post Handler

–Single Sign On

  • Introduction
  • Setting up Facebook API
  • Facebook Login
  • Setting up External Login
  • Registering Facebook User
  • Microsoft Login
  • Register Page Designing
  • Login Page Designing

–Order Management

  • Introduction
  • Setting up Order Controller
  • Orders Controller API
  • Order's List UI
  • Order List js
  • Order Controller Update
  • Modifying Selected Status
  • Order List Filtering
  • Order Details Get Handler
  • Order Details UI
  • Manage Order Get Handler
  • Manage Order UI
  • Manage Status
  • Refund Order
  • Manage Status Demo
  • Order Management on Order Details
  • Order History
  • Login Issue
  • Error Fixing Assignment
  • End Point Routing

Live Commercial Project on Employee & Payroll process

Training Description


Training Fees

Only Training without Placement

50 Hrs

Rs. 25,000/- + GST

Training with direct placement at our own company (ILICO SERVICES LIMITED) payroll: it Include all the training on DOT NET CORE 3.0, Angular 8 & Ms SQL Server + 3 Commercial live project+ 1 Months workshop one our vERP product

4 Months

Rs. 1,00,000/- + GST

Live Commercial Project on Employee & Payroll process

–Software Architecture

  • Software Architecture Used
  • Create Solution & Layers
  • References & Dependencies

–Domain Models &Db Context Class

  • Employee Domain Model
  • PayRecords Domain Model
  • Enums
  • Application Db Context& Migration

–Git - Version Control System (VCS)

  • Git Configuration

–Employee Service

  • IEmployeeService - Interface
  • EmployeeService - Implementation
  • Git - Tracking Entire Solution

–Employee Controller & Employee ViewModels

  • Index Action Method - Employee Controller
  • Employee Create View Model & Data Input Validation
  • Create Action Method - Employee Controller
  • Edit Action Method - Employee Controller
  • Detail Action Method - Employee Controller
  • Delete Action Method - Employee Controller

–Built-in Dependency Injection (DI)

  • Register a Service for Dependency Injection (DI)

–Layout View

  • Layout.cshtml - Top NavBar
  • Layout.cshtml - Finalised

–Employee View

  • Index.cshtml - Employee View
  • Create.cshtml - Employee View
  • Edit.cshtml - Employee View
  • Detail.cshtml - Employee View
  • Delete.cshtml - Employee View

–Payroll Computation Services

  • IPay Computation Service - Interface
  • Pay Computation Service - Implementation
  • Tax Computation Service - Interface and Implementation
  • National Insurance Contribution Service - Interface and Implementation
  • Student Loan Repayment Calculation
  • Union Fees

–Payroll Controller &ViewModels

  • Payment Record Index View Model
  • Index Action Method - Pay Controller
  • Payment Record Create View Model
  • Create Action Method - Pay Controller
  • Payment Record Detail View Model
  • Detail Action - Pay Controller
  • Payslip Action Method - Pay Controller

–PayComputation Views

  • Index.cshtml - Payroll List View
  • Create.cshtml - Pay Computation View
  • Detail.cshtml - Pay Computation View
  • Payslip.cshtml - Pay Computation View
  • Generate Payslip Pdf Action Method - Pay Computation


  • Employee List Pagination.cs - Pagination Implementation

–Identity, Authentication & Authorization

  • Configure Identity
  • Data Seeding - Users and Roles
  • Role-Based Authorizatio

–Azure Cloud

  • Migrate Local SQL Server to Azure SQL Server
  • Deployment to Azure Cloud

–Remote Repo

  • Push to Remote Repo (Github)

What you'll learn

  • Learn structure of ASP NET Core 3 with Razor Pages
  • Build applications using ASP NET Core 3 with Razor Pages
  • Repository Pattern used in professional world
  • N-Tier architecture used in professional world
  • Payment's and Refund using Stripe
  • Interact with Razor class library for Identity
  • Integrate Entity Framework along with code first migrations
  • Learn advance topics of ASP NET Core with Razor Pages
  • Sessions in ASP NET Core 3
  • Authentication and Authorization in ASP NET Core 3
  • Data Seeding
  • Datatables use with API's
  • Stored Procedure Calls with Dapper
  • Integrate Identity Framework and learn how to add more fields to Users
  • Confidently speak about MVC Architecture
  • Crack Asp .Net Mvc job interviews easier
  • Solve most common bugs and issues in Asp .Net Mvc applications
  • Learn basic security of ASP NET Core 3.0
  • Build applications using ASP NET Core 3.0 using using Razor Pages
  • Stripe Payments and Refunds
  • Integrate Identity Framework and learn how to add more fields to Users
  • Integrate Entity Framework along with code first migrations
  • Authentication and Authorization in ASP.NET Core 3.0
  • Sessions in ASP.NET Core 3.0
  • Data Seeding and deployment to Azure
  • Stored Procedure calls using Dapper
  • Learn structure of ASP NET Core 3 with Razor Pages
  • Build applications using ASP NET Core 3 with Razor Pages
  • Repository Pattern used in professional world
  • N-Tier architecture used in professional world
  • Payment's and Refund using Stripe
  • Interact with Razor class library for Identity
  • Integrate Entity Framework along with code first migrations
  • Learn advance topics of ASP NET Core with Razor Pages
  • Sessions in ASP NET Core 3
  • Authentication and Authorization in ASP NET Core 3
  • Data Seeding
  • Data tables use with API's
  • Stored Procedure Calls with Dapper
  • Integrate Identity Framework and learn how to add more fields to Users
  • Controllers and Action Methods
  • Understand different types of ActionResult
  • Master the Razor View Engine and use it like a Pro
  • Read model collections to produce grids
  • Handle HTTP request and HTTP response headers
  • Create Layout views (for master pages)
  • Handle different issues of URL routing
  • Enable the NEW Attribute routing
  • Interact with database using EntityFrameworkDbFirst Approach and CodeFirst Approach
  • Update database using CodeFirst Migrations, in case of CodeFirst Approach
  • Create and use HTML Helpers for development of various Forms with all Validations
  • Create User Authentication and Security using Asp .Net Identity
  • Create and apply various types of Filters to Controllers and Action Methods
  • Handle Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
  • Handle exceptions with real-time best practices
  • Create N-Tier architecture with Service Layer and Repository Layer
  • Share data using ViewBag, TempData and ViewData
  • Create REST-API End Points using Asp .NET Web API



1st Month Installment

2nd Month Installment

3rd Month

Installment Payment Total Amount Rs. 1,20,000.00 + 18% (GST)

Rs.50,000.00 + 18% (GST)

Rs.35,000.00 + 18% (GST)

Rs.35,000.00 + 18% (GST)

One Time Fees

Rs. 1,00,000/- + 18% GST

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Our Important Clients


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