e-Tender Management Software in ERP Software India - E-Procurement Software

e-Tender or e-Procurement is the process where the companies or government organization fulfill their purchase requirement of goods or services or outsource a project or any work where a third-party supplier or contractor is required to engage for the same. It is a completely online, secure, and authentic process, where human intervention is less required, which prevents possible corruption, misuse of power, etc.

Using the e-Tendering or e-Procurement module in our ERP Software you can reduce the cost of overhead expanse by reducing the manpower. You can save time and physical interaction as the entire process is online. It allows three-way matching and prevents the potential for fraud by cross-verifying purchase orders, invoices, and goods or service receipts before payment issuance to vendors. 

Supplier Registration

Profile Management


Tender Post

RFQ Question

RFQ Answer

Technical Question

Technical Answer

Pre-Bid Meeting

Technical Bidding

Financial Bidding

Competitive Statement

Won Bid Details

Supplier Details

Requisition Register


Tender Register

Posted Tender

Bidded Tender

RFQ Discussion

Tender Documents

Supplier Portal

Supplier Dashboard

Bid Register

Won Bid details

Work Order

Contract Management

Item Receipt

Project Progress


Work Schedule

Delivery Schedule



Purchase Return

Project Cancel

Advantages and Benefits of e-Tender Management Module in ERP Software - E-Procurement Software

Value Creation

The e-Tendering or e-Procurement module in our ERP Software provides a world-class online cloud-based infrastructure where you can conduct the online e-Tender or e-Procurement process seamlessly. Join our vERP community and see the growth

Best Purpose

As the entire process is online it is very easy and has a single point of source to procure your purchase needs. Vender registration, documents and credentials verification, and then vendor onboarding have now become very easy and cost-effective.

Reduced Cost

Do you know that 14 billion trees are annually cut down for meeting the physical paper needs? preventing the paperwork and opting for digitization, make processes more efficient and simplified while making cost-effective decisions.

e-Tender Management Module in ERP Software

The single point of contact and single module which is The e-Tendering or e-Procurement module in our ERP Software provides a world-class infrastructure to manage your supplier, vendor, contractor, quality control, quotation, four-way of matching the purchase or work order, delivery schedule, purchase invoice, and the respective payment. Prevent possible fraud or corruption. Lets join the drive 

  • ERP Software: vERP or ERP.BZ
  • Modules Name: e-Tender
  • No of Active user: 3100+
  • No of Year in Service: 18 Years from 2006

Download Modules Details

Video Demonstration

Demonstration of e-Tender Management Module in ERP Software

e-Tender Management Module in ERP Software

e-Procurement Software Module in ERP System (Supplier Portal)

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