Service Management Module in ERP Software India - After sales support Software

Servicing is the after-sales activity, once you sold a finished good like Car, Fuel dispensing machine, or any consumer good, your company should have an after-sales service, which is known as Servicing. In our software, we have a module called servicing which will help to give a seamless experience to your customer service executive and customer satisfaction for after-sales service.

Automated notification for service of the items within the due date or auto-suggestion of the spare parts and auto calculation of cost, labor charge, and tax. Using our servicing module in our ERP software you will get every information in a single click. It is said if you have excellent after-sales support which is servicing be it periodic routine servicing or on-call or on-demand emergency servicing, your brand grows based on this excellent after-sales support, and our Servicing module in the ERP Software will help you to achieve the same.

Outlet Master

Items Master

Service Master

Call Booking

Routine Maintanence

Item Received


Job Report Open

Service Quotation

Demand Slip

Store Issue Slip

Service Challan

Job Report Close

Service Invoice

Service Feedback

Service Return

Service Credit Note

Service Register

Service Executive Performance

Service Tracking

Feedback Analysis

Service Analysis

Service Scheduling

Advantages and Benefits of Service Management Module in ERP Software - After Sales Support Software

Value Creation

Servicing module in our ERP Software will help you to track the status of the service abale items, product or machine. Auto indicate the upcoming service schedule, manpower schedule, including infrastructure scheduling, ramp scheduling etc. Auto SMS and Email reminder. Maximisation of opportunities. Increased access to a source of market and competitor information.

Best Purpose

Servicing module in our ERP Software integrated with CRM will be able to take the service booking and update the customer with the service status, billing status, items movement, items lifecycle, delivery process, payment process and take the feedback. This will ensure the on track and on promise service quality and ensure 100% clients satisfaction including excellent brand value.

Reduced Cost

Servicing module in our ERP Software has a lot of automatic suggestions and automatic scheduling of manpower, infrastructure, machine ramps, etc, this will prevent redundant work and manual workforce. This automatic mechanism will reduce the cost of maintenance and cost of execution and increase profitability. Come and lets join our vERP community and see the growth.

Service Management Module in ERP Software

Providing after-sales service or service management is one of the important departments of the manufacturing industry. By providing world-class after-sales service support, you gain trust from the customers and you get to see your business growing. Servicing module in our ERP Software provides the option for automatic streamlining scheduling, work order management, and business intelligence will help you to provide excellent customer service.

  • ERP Software: vERP or ERP.BZ
  • Modules Name: Service Management
  • No of Active user: 3100+
  • No of Year in Service: 18 Years from 2006

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Video Demonstration

Demonstration of Service Management Module in ERP Software

Service Management Module in ERP Software

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